Fact Sheets

Weeds: Field bindweed (Wild morningglory) – Convolvulus arvensis

Weeds: Field bindweed (Wild morningglory) – Convolvulus arvensis categories: F-H Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 07:53 Field bindweed flowers and leavesPhoto by: D.G. Swan Family: Convolvulaceae Cycle: Perennial Plant type: Broadleaf Biology Field bindweed is a prostrate or twining weed which spreads by seed and by new plants arising from a perennial root system reaching ten […]

Field bindweed flowers and leaves.

Weeds: Field pennycress (Fanweed) – Thlaspi arvense

Weeds: Field pennycress (Fanweed) – Thlaspi arvense categories: F-H Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 07:53 Field pennycress fruitsPhoto by: D.G. Swan Family: Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Cycle: Annual Plant type: Broadleaf Biology Field pennycress grows six to eighteen inches tall, branching mainly in the upper, flowering portion of the plant. The leaves are elongate, hairless, and alternate, with […]

Field pennycress fruits.

Weeds: Flixweed – Descurainia sophia

Weeds: Flixweed – Descurainia sophia categories: F-H Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 07:54 Flixweed stem and flower headPhoto by: J.A. Kropf Family: Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Cycle: Annual Plant type: Broadleaf Biology Seedling flixweed plants consist of a low-growing rosette of finely divided, fern-like leaves from a taproot. Mature plants are upright, reaching one to three feet high. […]

Flixweed stem and flower head.

Weeds: Foxtail (Green, Yellow, Bristly) – Setaria spp.

Weeds: Foxtail (Green, Yellow, Bristly) – Setaria spp. categories: F-H Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 07:54 Yellow foxtailPhoto by: D.G. Swan Family: Poaceae (Graminae) Cycle: Annual Plant type: Grass Biology Three species of foxtails are found in the Pacific Northwest: green foxtail (S. viridis), yellow foxtail (Setaria pumila), and bristly foxtail (S. verticillata). Yellow foxtail grows […]

Green foxtail.

Weeds: Garden loosestrife – Lysimachia vulgaris

Weeds: Garden loosestrife – Lysimachia vulgaris categories: F-H Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 07:55 Garden loosestrife, floweringPhoto by: King County Noxious Weed Control Program Family: Primulaceae Cycle: Perennial Plant type: Broadleaf Biology Garden loosestrife is an erect rhizomatous perennial that may attain a height of three feet or more. Both stems and leaves are soft and […]

Garden loosestrife yellow flowers.

Weeds: Giant hogweed – Heracleum mantegazzianum

Weeds: Giant hogweed – Heracleum mantegazzianum categories: F-H Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 08:08 Giant hogweedPhoto by: Washington Noxious Weed Control Board Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Cycle: Perennial Plant type: Broadleaf Biology Giant hogweed is a short-lived perennial plant, typically surviving 2 to 5 years. The hollow stems are robust (two- to four-inch diameter), hairy, ribbed, and […]

Giant hogweed.

Weeds: Goldenrods – Solidago spp.

Weeds: Goldenrods – Solidago spp. categories: F-H Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 08:08 Goldenrod with flowersPhoto by: T.W. Miller Family: Asteraceae (Compositae) Cycle: Perennial Plant type: Broadleaf Biology Most goldenrod species spread by both seeds and by creeping root systems. They are upright plants, growing one to four feet tall or more, depending on species. The […]

Goldenrod with flowers.

Weeds: Ground ivy – Glechoma hederacea

Weeds: Ground ivy – Glechoma hederacea categories: F-H Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 08:08 Ground IvyPhoto by: Mike Dickison 4.0/deed.en Family: Lamiaceae Cycle: Perennial Plant type: Broadleaf Biology Ground ivy is an aromatic evergreen creeper of the mint family. The leaf produces an aroma when crushed. It may become weedy and invasive in some regions or […]

Ground Ivy glossy leaves.

Weeds: Groundsel, common – Senecio vulgaris

Weeds: Groundsel, common – Senecio vulgaris categories: F-H Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 08:09 Common groundsel with seed headsPhoto by: R. Parker Family: Asteraceae (Compositae) Cycle: Annual/Biennial Plant type: Broadleaf Biology Common groundsel may reach four to eighteen inches tall. Seedlings are small rosettes of deeply notched or lobed leaves one to four inches long and […]

Common groundsel with seed heads.

Weeds: Hawkweeds – Hieracium spp.

Weeds: Hawkweeds – Hieracium spp. categories: F-H Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 08:09 Orange hawkweed flowerheadsPhoto by: T.W. Miller Family: Asteraceae (Compositae) Cycle: Perennial Plant type: Broadleaf Biology Hawkweeds are fibrous rooted perennial herbs that grow up to a foot tall. The leaves are basal, with an occasional leaf or two on stems. The bristly, leafless, […]

Orange hawkweed flowerheads.

Weeds: Hedge bindweed – Calystegia sepium (Convolvulus sepium)

Weeds: Hedge bindweed – Calystegia sepium (Convolvulus sepium) categories: F-H Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 08:10 Hedge bindweed flowersPhoto by: D.G. Swan Family: Convolvulaceae Cycle: Perennial Plant type: Broadleaf Biology Hedge bindweed is a trailing or climbing (twining) perennial plant which spreads aggressively by creeping underground stems and by seeds. Large (one to five inches), dark […]

Hedge bindweed flowers on vine against a blue background.

Weeds: Henbit – Lamium amplexicaule

Weeds: Henbit – Lamium amplexicaule categories: F-H Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 08:10 Flowering henbitPhoto by: T.W. Miller Family: Lamiaceae (Labiatae) Cycle: Annual Plant type: Broadleaf Biology A spreading to erect plant, henbit has the square stems and opposite leaves characteristic of most plants in the mint family. Plants may branch extensively at the base. Branches […]

Flowering henbit.

Weeds: Herb Robert (Robert geranium, stinky Bob) – Geranium robertianum

Weeds: Herb Robert (Robert geranium, stinky Bob) – Geranium robertianum categories: F-H Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 08:11 Herb Robert close-up of flower/plantPhoto by: King County Noxious Weed Control Program Family: Geraniaceae Cycle: Winter or spring annual Plant type: Broadleaf Biology Herb Robert is a sprawling to upright plant reaching 2 to 12 inches tall, or […]

Herb Robert close-up of flower/plant.

Weeds: Horsetails (Scouringrush) – Equisetum spp.

Weeds: Horsetails (Scouringrush) – Equisetum spp. categories: F-H Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 08:11 HorsetailPhoto by: R. Parker Family: Equisetaceae Cycle: Perennial Plant type: Other Biology Field horsetail (Equisetum arvense) grows from a perennial, creeping root system. The rhizomes are brown, somewhat woolly, and bear small tubers. Two types of stems emerge in the spring. Tiny […]


Weeds: Horseweed (Marestail) – Conyza canadensis

Weeds: Horseweed (Marestail) – Conyza canadensis categories: F-H Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 08:11 Horseweed flowerheadsPhoto by: T.W. Miller Family: Asteraceae (Compositae Cycle: Annual Plant type: Broadleaf Biology Horseweed plants range from one to five feet tall. The erect stems may be branched, especially near the top. The alternate, rather narrow leaves are one to three […]

Horseweed flowerheads.