
Tomato: Anthracnose

Tomato: Anthracnose categories: Tomato Tomato Diseases Vegetables revision date: 2024-06-05 02:07 Tomato anthracnosePhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Tomato anthracnose is a fungal disease primarily seen on ripe fruit. It may sometimes affect leaves. Leaf symptoms are most common on older leaves, which show small, dark spots surrounded by a yellow halo. Fruits may be infected […]

Tomato: Blossom-end rot

Tomato: Blossom-end rot categories: Tomato Tomato Diseases Vegetables revision date: 2022-12-07 12:00 Tomato blossom-end rotPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Blossom end rot is a physiological problem affecting tomato fruit. A tan, water-soaked lesion develops near the blossom scar on the end of the fruit. The lesion enlarges, turns black and leathery, and can eventually involve […]

Tomato: Catface

Tomato: Catface categories: Tomato Tomato Diseases Vegetables revision date: 2022-12-07 12:00 Tomato catface on ripe fruitPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Catface is a physiological problem affecting tomato fruit. Damage to blossoms, cold temperatures during fruit set, exposure to growth-hormone-type herbicides, and abnormal growing conditions are among the possible causes of catface. Affected fruits are mildly […]

Tomato: Curly top (Beet curly top virus)

Tomato: Curly top (Beet curly top virus) categories: Tomato Tomato Diseases Vegetables revision date: 2022-12-07 12:00 Curly top virus symptoms on tomatoPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Curly top is caused by a virus transmitted by the beet leafhopper. Many crops are affected, including tomato, bean, squash, beet, spinach, cucumber, and pepper. Typical symptoms of the […]

Tomato: Late blight

Tomato: Late blight categories: Tomato Tomato Diseases Vegetables revision date: 2024-06-05 02:07 Tomato late blight infected fruit and foliagePhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Late blight of tomato is caused by a fungus which also causes disease on potato, eggplant, and other members of the potato family (Solanaceae). Gray-green, water-soaked spots appear on leaves, stems, and […]

Tomato: Mosaic viruses

Tomato: Mosaic viruses categories: Tomato Tomato Diseases Vegetables revision date: 2022-12-07 12:00 Tomato mosaic virus symptomsPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Several viruses can cause mosaic symptoms in tomatoes, including tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), tomato mosaic virus (ToMV), and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). Symptoms caused by TMV and ToMV are similar. Leaves show green mottling and […]

Tomato: Physiological leaf roll

Tomato: Physiological leaf roll categories: Tomato Tomato Diseases Vegetables revision date: 2022-12-07 12:00 Physiological leaf roll on tomatohoto by: C. Miles Biology Physiological leaf roll of tomato is a cultural problem which may be associated with high soil moisture, high temperature, drought, or heavy pruning. Plants with a heavy fruit load are often more severely […]

Tomato: Sunscald

Tomato: Sunscald categories: Tomato Tomato Diseases Vegetables revision date: 2022-12-07 12:00 Sunscald on tomatoPhoto by: F. Buajaila Biology Sunscald of tomato fruits frequently occurs in hot, dry weather, but may occur whenever green fruit is suddenly exposed to direct sun. The sunward side of green fruit develops a yellowish, light brown, or white leathery patch, […]

Tomato: Verticillium wilt

Tomato: Verticillium wilt categories: Tomato Tomato Diseases Vegetables revision date: 2022-12-07 12:00 Verticillium wiltPhoto by: C. Miles Biology Verticillium wilt is caused by a fungus commonly found in the soil. Many species of plants are affected by Verticillium. Tomato and potato are favored hosts. Infected plants wilt, are stunted, and have yellow leaves which tend […]

Tomato: White mold

Tomato: White mold categories: Tomato Tomato Diseases Vegetables revision date: 2022-12-07 12:00 Interior stem showing white fungal growth and black sclerotiaPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology White mold is caused by a fungus. It typically attacks dead flower petals or dead leaves, then spreads into living tissues. The infection often starts in branch crotches or at […]