
Skimmia: Spider mites

Skimmia: Spider mites categories: Ornamentals Shrubs Skimmia Skimmia Insects revision date: 2024-06-05 02:04 Citrus red mite damage on skimmiaPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Spider mites vary in color from green to reddish to brown. They are extremely small and may be barely visible to the naked eye. Mites are commonly found on the underside of […]

Pyracantha: Scab

Pyracantha: Scab categories: Ornamentals Pyracantha Pyracantha Diseases Shrubs revision date: 2024-06-05 02:07 Pyracantha scab on leavesPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Pyracantha scab is caused by a fungus that overwinters in infected leaves, twigs, and berries. Young leaves and berries are most susceptible to infection. Olive green to black spots develop on leaves, twigs and fruit. […]

Pieris (Andromeda): Leaf spot

Pieris (Andromeda): Leaf spot categories: Ornamentals Pieris (Andromeda) Pieris (Andromeda) Diseases Shrubs revision date: 2024-06-05 02:07 Biology Leaf spot of andromeda is a fungal disease causing necrotic (dead) spots on the leaves. Spots are circular or angular in outline, and typically are red to brown, sometimes with silvery-gray centers. Fruiting structures of the fungus may […]

Pieris (Andromeda): Ramorum leaf and shoot blight (Sudden oak death)

Pieris (Andromeda): Ramorum leaf and shoot blight (Sudden oak death) categories: Ornamentals Pieris (Andromeda) Pieris (Andromeda) Diseases Shrubs revision date: 2022-12-03 12:00 P. ramorum symptoms on Pieris leavesPhoto by: M. Elliott Biology Ramorum leaf blight is caused by Phytophthora ramorum, the same organism that causes sudden oak death (SOD). In Washington, most cases have been […]

Pieris (Andromeda): Root rot & dieback

Pieris (Andromeda): Root rot & dieback categories: Ornamentals Pieris (Andromeda) Pieris (Andromeda) Diseases Shrubs revision date: 2022-12-03 12:00 Pieris root rot and diebackPhoto by: J.W. Pscheidt Biology Root rot and dieback of andromeda is caused by Phytophthora, a fungus which affects many ornamentals. Typically, plants appear unhealthy, with wilted or discolored leaves that may be […]

Pieris (Andromeda): Black vine weevil

Pieris (Andromeda): Black vine weevil categories: Ornamentals Pieris (Andromeda) Pieris (Andromeda) Insects Shrubs revision date: 2023-04-04 12:00 Black vine weevil adult and leaf damagePhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology Characteristic damage by black vine weevils includes irregular, ragged notching of leaf margins by adults and minor to severe root and bark damage by larvae. The adult […]

Photinia: Leaf spot (Diplocarpon)

Photinia: Leaf spot (Diplocarpon) categories: Ornamentals Photinia Photinia Diseases Shrubs revision date: 2024-06-05 02:07 Photinia leaf spots and twig cankersPhoto by: J. Berger, Biology Fungal leaf spot of photinia is characterized by the presence of red to purple spots on the leaves. The spots are small at first, but soon enlarge and develop brown […]

Photinia: Physiological leaf spot

Photinia: Physiological leaf spot categories: Ornamentals Photinia Photinia Diseases Shrubs revision date: 2022-12-03 12:00 Photinia physiological leaf spotPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Physiological leaf spot occurs on Photinia in western Washington. The symptoms resemble those of early fungal leaf spot infections. Small red to purple spots appear on the leaves, but do not develop the […]

Photinia: Powdery mildew

Photinia: Powdery mildew categories: Ornamentals Photinia Photinia Diseases Shrubs revision date: 2024-06-05 10:24 Powdery mildew on photinia causing leaf curling and necrosisPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Powdery mildew is a fungal disease found on leaves and shoots of photinia. Characteristic patches of gray-white, powdery fungus are found in thick mats on the upper and lower […]

Photinia: Aphids

Photinia: Aphids categories: Ornamentals Photinia Photinia Insects Shrubs revision date: 2024-06-05 02:04 Aphid colony on leafPhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology Aphids on photinia are variously colored, from yellowish or greenish to black. They are soft-bodied insects less than 1/8″ long. Aphids often feed in large groups and typically are found on new growth, including both […]