Fact Sheets

Ornamental Cherry: Armillaria root rot

Ornamental Cherry: Armillaria root rot categories: Ornamental Cherry Ornamental Cherry Diseases Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2022-11-26 02:00 White fungal mat of Armillaria root rot infecting trunkPhoto by: C.R. Foss Biology Armillaria root rot is a fungal disease transmitted between plants by root contact. Armillaria is often found in newly cleared soils or ones which […]

Ornamental Cherry: Bacterial canker

Ornamental Cherry: Bacterial canker categories: Ornamental Cherry Ornamental Cherry Diseases Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2022-11-26 01:57 Bacterial canker on tree trunkPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Bacterial canker can be found on any part of the tree. The disease causes cankers and dieback of twigs and branches. A typical branch canker is elongate and enlarges […]

Ornamental Cherry: Brown rot

Ornamental Cherry: Brown rot categories: Ornamental Cherry Ornamental Cherry Diseases Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2024-06-05 10:12 Brown rot blossom infectionPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Brown rot is a fungal disease which initially infects the flowers. The petals turn light brown, develop water-soaked spots and may have tan or grayish areas of fungal spores. Infected […]

Ornamental Cherry: Coryneum blight (Shothole)

Ornamental Cherry: Coryneum blight (Shothole) categories: Ornamental Cherry Ornamental Cherry Diseases Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2024-06-05 10:12 Coryneum blight symptoms on leaves and fruitPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Shothole is a fungal disease typically attacking the leaves of ornamental (flowering) cherries. Lesions are initially dark brown, reddish, or purplish spots and may be surrounded […]

Ornamental Cherry: Leaf spot

Ornamental Cherry: Leaf spot categories: Ornamental Cherry Ornamental Cherry Diseases Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2024-06-05 02:03 Cherry leaf spot symptomsPhoto by: C.R. Foss Biology Leaf spot on cherry first appears as small circular, purple spots on the leaves about the time they reach full size. Infections begin in the spring and continue through late […]

Ornamental Cherry: Aphids

Ornamental Cherry: Aphids categories: Ornamental Cherry Ornamental Cherry Insects Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2024-06-05 02:04 Curled, distorted leaves from black cherry aphid feedingPhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology Several aphids attack flowering cherries, including the black cherry aphid. Black cherry aphids are small black insects which typically feed on the new growth, causing the expanding […]

Ornamental Cherry: Apple-and-thorn skeletonizer

Ornamental Cherry: Apple-and-thorn skeletonizer categories: Ornamental Cherry Ornamental Cherry Insects Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2024-06-05 10:25 Apple-and-thorn skeletonizer caterpillar feeding on leafPhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology The apple-and-thorn skeletonizer is a yellow-green caterpillar with small black spots. As a young caterpillar it feeds on the underside of leaves. More mature caterpillars move to the […]

Ornamental Cherry: Cherry bark tortrix

Ornamental Cherry: Cherry bark tortrix categories: Ornamental Cherry Ornamental Cherry Insects Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2022-11-26 12:38 Cherry bark tortrixPhoto by: T.A. Murray Biology The cherry bark tortrix (CBT) is a pest of most woody ornamental trees and shrubs in the family Rosaceae. CBT attacks Prunus (cherry, plum and peach), Malus (apple, crabapple), Pyrus […]

Ornamental Cherry: Pear slug

Ornamental Cherry: Pear slug categories: Ornamental Cherry Ornamental Cherry Insects Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2023-04-04 12:00 Pear slug and damaged leaf from feedingPhoto by: R.D. Akre Biology Pear slugs, or pear sawflies, are insect larvae which resemble a small greenish or black slug. They are typically 1/4″ to 1/2″ long, tadpole-shaped, and produce large […]

Ornamental Cherry: Redhumped caterpillar

Ornamental Cherry: Redhumped caterpillar categories: Ornamental Cherry Ornamental Cherry Insects Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2023-04-12 12:00 Redhumped caterpillarsPhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology The redhumped caterpillar is the larvae of a 1″ gray-brown moth. The mature larvae are yellow with a red head and hump, and have orange, black, and white lengthwise stripes. The body […]

Ornamental Cherry: Scales

Ornamental Cherry: Scales categories: Ornamental Cherry Ornamental Cherry Insects Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2024-06-05 02:04 Lecanium scales on twigPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Various species of scales can attack flowering cherry trees, among them the San Jose scale, a serious pest of fruit trees. Depending on species, scales may be found on the upper […]

Ornamental Cherry: Shothole borer

Ornamental Cherry: Shothole borer categories: Ornamental Cherry Ornamental Cherry Insects Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2022-11-26 09:49 Shothole borer infestation holesPhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology Shothole borer larvae feed between the bark and the wood on the limbs and trunks of cherry trees. The white larvae (bark beetles) are about 1/8″ long and feed in […]

Ornamental Cherry: Spider mites

Ornamental Cherry: Spider mites categories: Ornamental Cherry Ornamental Cherry Insects Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2024-06-05 08:28 Spider mites under microscopePhoto by: L.K. Tanigoshi Biology Spider mites are tiny, eight-legged, and yellowish to brown in color. Their feeding causes mild to severe stippling (little specks or dots) on leaves. Usually yellowish or bronzish, stippling can, […]

Ornamental Cherry: Tent caterpillars

Ornamental Cherry: Tent caterpillars categories: Ornamental Cherry Ornamental Cherry Insects Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2024-06-05 10:25 Tent caterpillars and webbingPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Two species of tent caterpillar are common in Washington. The forest tent caterpillar is about 2″ long at maturity and has a bluish body with black and white markings. This […]

Ornamental Cherry: Virus diseases

Ornamental Cherry: Virus diseases categories: Ornamental Cherry Ornamental Cherry Diseases Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2022-11-26 09:24 Deformed and mottled leaves from virus infectionPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Mottle leaf is one virus disease of cherries. Symptoms are seen mainly on the leaves, which are puckered and mottled with light green to yellow blotches between […]

Oak: California gallfly

Oak: California gallfly categories: Oak Oak Insects Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2022-11-25 04:31 “Oak apples” caused by California gallflyPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology The gall of this cynipid wasp larvae is the largest and most conspicuous of the galls on oak, achieving a diameter of one to four inches. It is a twig gall […]

Oak: Jumping oak gall

Oak: Jumping oak gall categories: Oak Oak Insects Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2022-11-25 04:29 Jumping oak galls on leaves caused by an insectPhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology Jumping oak galls cause small yellow spots on the upper surface of infested leaves. On the underside of the leaves are tiny seedlike galls. These appear in […]

Oak: Leaf galls

Oak: Leaf galls categories: Oak Oak Insects Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2022-11-25 03:59 Jumping oak galls on leaves caused by an insectPhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology Leaf galls are caused by the feeding of several species of oak gall wasp larvae. Typical galls are enlarged or swollen plant tissues. These may assume several forms, […]

Oak: Oak leaf phylloxera

Oak: Oak leaf phylloxera categories: Oak Oak Insects Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2024-06-05 02:04 Oak leaf phylloxera damagePhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology The oak leaf phylloxera is a pest of growing importance in the Pacific Northwest. It’s believed to have come from Europe in the early 1960’s. It is is a yellowish orange homopteran […]

Oak: Oak ribbed casemaker

Oak: Oak ribbed casemaker categories: Oak Oak Insects Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2023-04-12 12:00 Oak ribbed casemakerPhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology Oak ribbed casemaker larvae mine and skeletonize leaf tissues. Young larvae feed inside leaves, chewing away tissues and leaving a linear mine. Older larvae feed on the underside of leaves, leaving only the […]