Lawn and Turf Diseases

Lawn and Turf: Thatch

Lawn and Turf: Thatch categories: Lawn and Turf Lawn and Turf Diseases revision date: 2022-10-28 07:09 ThatchPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Thatch is a layer of plant debris which generally accumulates at the soil surface. It consists primarily of undecomposed stem, crown, and root materials. Grass clippings contribute little to thatch formation. In healthy lawns, […]

Lawn and Turf: Typhula blight (Gray snow mold)

Lawn and Turf: Typhula blight (Gray snow mold) categories: Lawn and Turf Lawn and Turf Diseases revision date: 2022-10-28 07:02 Typhula blightPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Typhula blight is a fungal disease which can occur beneath snow cover on unfrozen soil. Under snow, light yellow to gray circular areas develop. These range in size up […]

Lawn and Turf: Yellow patch

Lawn and Turf: Yellow patch categories: Lawn and Turf Lawn and Turf Diseases revision date: 2022-10-28 06:55 Yellow patch fungal myceliumPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Yellow patch is a fungal disease which may affect bluegrasses, annual bluegrass, and bentgrasses. Symptoms are typically seen in fall, winter, and spring. Light brown to yellow patches and rings […]