Bean: Fusarium root rot

categories: Bean Bean Diseases Vegetables

revision date: 2023-01-04 12:00

Fusarium root rot on bean.
Fusarium root rot on bean
R.S. Byther


Root rot is a fungal disease which attacks the roots and underground stems of beans. Young infected plants show reddish-brown streaking on the stem or taproots. The streaks spread until the entire lower stem and taproot are discolored and decayed, and secondary roots may also be damaged. Plants with badly damaged root systems show aboveground symptoms of disease, including stunting and yellowing of the plants, premature leaf drop, reduced yield, and plant death. The fungus overwinters in the soil in diseased plant debris and can also survive in the soil for many years.

Management Options

Use Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for successful plant problem management.

Non-chemical Management

Select non-chemical management options as your first choice!

  • Rotate crops. Allow five or six years between bean crops in the same location.
  • Some varieties are reported to be resistant to root rot. Among these are ‘Aurora’, ‘Black Turtle’, ‘NW-59’, ‘NW-63’, ‘NW-410’, ‘NW-590’, ‘Rosa’, ‘Rufus’, and ‘Viva’.
  • Plant in well-drained soils.
  • Hill soil around plants to encourage formation of secondary roots.
  • Provide proper culture. Stressed plants are more likely to be damaged.
  • Remove plant debris from the garden. Destroy or discard (do not compost) diseased materials.

Chemical Management

IMPORTANT: Visit Home and Garden Fact Sheets for more information on using pesticides.

  • None recommended.