Fact Sheets

Weeds: Canada thistle – Cirsium arvense

Weeds: Canada thistle – Cirsium arvense categories: C-E Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 07:45 Canada thistle leaves and flowerPhoto by: T.W. Miller Family: Asteraceae (Compositae) Cycle: Perennial Plant type: Broadleaf Biology Canada thistle is an aggressive, spreading weed. The aboveground portions of the plants die back in the winter, but resprout from perennial roots in the […]

Canada thistle leaves and flower.

Weeds: Catchweed bedstraw (Cleavers) – Galium aparine

Weeds: Catchweed bedstraw (Cleavers) – Galium aparine categories: C-E Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 07:45 Catchweed bedstraw leaf whorlsPhoto by: T.W. Miller Family: Rubiaceae Cycle: Annual Plant type: Broadleaf Biology Catchweed bedstraw is a weakly erect to sprawling plant from a slender taproot. Stems are weak, climbing or twining to over six feet in length. The […]

Catchweed bedstraw leaf whorls close-up.

Weeds: Catsear, common (False dandelion) – Hypochaeris radicata

Weeds: Catsear, common (False dandelion) – Hypochaeris radicata categories: C-E Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 07:46 Common catsear rosettePhoto by: J.A. Kropf Family: Asteraceae (Compositae) Cycle: Perennial Plant type: Broadleaf Biology Common catsear, also known as false dandelion or spotted catsear, grows in a rosette, with all the leaves at the base of the plant. Roots […]

Common catsear in bloom.

Weeds: Chickweed, common and mouseear – Stellaria media, Cerastium fontanum ssp. vulgare

Weeds: Chickweed, common and mouseear – Stellaria media, Cerastium fontanum ssp. vulgare categories: C-E Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 07:46 Common chickweed leaves and flowersPhoto by: R. Parker Family: Caryophyllaceae Cycle: Annual, Perennial Plant type: Broadleaf Biology COMMON CHICKWEED reproduces both by seeds and by many creeping stems which can root at the nodes. While the […]

Common chickweed leaves and flowers.

Weeds: Clover – Trifolium spp.

Weeds: Clover – Trifolium spp. categories: C-E Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 07:46 Clover flowersPhoto by: R. Parker Family: Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Cycle: Various Plant type: Broadleaf Biology Clovers, depending on species, may be annuals or perennials. Typically, clovers are fairly low-growing, herbaceous plants. The leaves are divided into three leaflets which are attached to the petiole […]

White clover patch.

Weeds: Comfrey – Symphytum officinale

Weeds: Comfrey – Symphytum officinale categories: C-E Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 07:47 Comfrey bell-shaped flowersPhoto by: T.W. Miller Family: Boraginaceae Cycle: Perennial Plant type: Broadleaf Biology Comfrey has clump-forming perennial roots with brown to black bark. The roots are thick and penetrate deep in the soil, making comfrey difficult to eradicate once established. Plants are […]

Comfrey bell-shaped flowers.

Weeds: Crabgrass – Digitaria spp.

Weeds: Crabgrass – Digitaria spp. categories: C-E Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 07:48 CrabgrassPhoto by: R. Parker Family: Poaceae (Graminae) Cycle: Annual Plant type: Grass Biology Large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) may reach up to two feet tall but is often prostrate. Stems lying along the ground may root, forming mats. The flat leaf blades are relatively […]

Crabgrass against a blue background.

Weeds: Creeping Jenny: Lysimachia nummularia

Weeds: Creeping Jenny: Lysimachia nummularia categories: C-E Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 07:48 Creeping Jenny flowerPhoto by: H. Zell Family: Primulaceae Cycle: Perennial Plant type: Evergreen Biology Lysimachia nummularia, commonly called moneywort or creeping Jenny, is a low-growing, creeping ground cover which forms a leafy mat only 2-4″ tall. Roots where leaf nodes come in contact […]

Creeping Jenny flower.

Weeds: Dandelion – Taraxacum officinale

Weeds: Dandelion – Taraxacum officinale categories: C-E Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 07:49 Common dandelion with flowersPhoto by: J.A. Kropf Family: Asteraceae (Compositae) Cycle: Perennial Plant type: Broadleaf Biology The common dandelion is a persistent taprooted plant reproducing by seeds and by short shoots from the crown. It also grows back from roots broken during hand […]

Common dandelion flower and seed heads.

Weeds: Dock (Curly, Broadleaf) – Rumex spp.

Weeds: Dock (Curly, Broadleaf) – Rumex spp. categories: C-E Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 07:50 Broadleaf dockPhoto by: T.W. Miller Family: Polygonaceae Cycle: Perennial Plant type: Broadleaf Biology Curly dock (Rumex crispus), also called sour dock or yellow dock, is a robust tap-rooted perennial growing two to five feet tall. Stems are erect, reddish, and slightly […]

Broadleaf dock.

Weeds: Dodder – Cuscuta spp.

Weeds: Dodder – Cuscuta spp. categories: C-E Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 07:50 Dodder entwining fuchsia stemPhoto by: R.S. Byther Family: Cuscutaceae Cycle: Annual Plant type: Parasitic Biology The parasitic flowering plant dodder (Cuscuta spp.) attacks living plants by entwining them in its slender stems. Dodder is characterized by its tangle of leafless, yellow to orange […]

Dodder entwining fuchsia stem.

Weeds: Downy brome (Cheatgrass, Downy chess) – Bromus tectorum

Weeds: Downy brome (Cheatgrass, Downy chess) – Bromus tectorum categories: C-E Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 07:51 Downy brome – cheatgrassPhoto by: J.A. Kropf Family: Poaceae (Graminae) Cycle: Winter annual Plant type: Grass Biology Downy brome is a winter annual (sometimes a summer annual) reproducing by seed. Germination typically occurs during late summer or fall, with […]

Downy brome, cheatgrass maturing inflorescence.

Weeds: Dwarf mistletoes – Arceuthobium spp.w

Weeds: Dwarf mistletoes – Arceuthobium spp.w categories: C-E Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 07:51 Dwarf mistletoe in coniferPhoto by: R.S. Byther Family: Loranthaceae Cycle: Perennial Plant type: Parasitic Biology Dwarf mistletoe is a parasitic plant that grows on the branches or occasionally on the trunk of a host tree. Mistletoe shoots range in color from yellowish […]

Dwarf mistletoe in conifer.

Weeds: English daisy (Lawn daisy) – Bellis perennis

Weeds: English daisy (Lawn daisy) – Bellis perennis categories: C-E Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 07:52 English daisy flowersPhoto by: J.A. Kropf Family: Asteraceae (Compositae) Cycle: Perennial Plant type: Broadleaf Biology English daisy is a low-growing plant reproducing by seed. It may also spread from the crown to form clumps. The long-stalked leaves are broad at […]

English lawn daisy flowers.

Weeds: English ivy – Hedera helix

Weeds: English ivy – Hedera helix categories: C-E Weeds revision date: 2024-06-22 07:52 English ivy leavesPhoto by: C.R. Foss Family: Cycle: Plant type: Biology English ivy is a low, dark green, fast-growing evergreen vine. It establishes roots at its nodes as it creeps along the ground, or aerial rootlets as it climbs trees and structures. […]

English ivy leaves.