Fact Sheets

Vertebrate: Deer damage

Vertebrate: Deer damage categories: Vertebrates revision date: 2022-12-28 12:00 Deer damage on ViburnumPhoto by: P. Rainsberger Biology Deer selectively eat certain types of plants in a landscape, including roses, raspberries, strawberries, fruit trees, and lilies. Damage is usually to new shoots and tender leaves. Often, only leaf petioles (stems) remain after feeding. Characteristic tracks or […]

Vertebrate: Moles

Vertebrate: Moles categories: Vertebrates revision date: 2022-12-28 12:00 MolePhoto by: D. Pehling Biology There are three species of moles in the Pacific Northwest which are considered a problem in landscapes. The Townsend’s mole (Scapanus townsendii) is the most common and is found throughout western Washington and Oregon. The Pacific or coast mole (S. orarius) can […]

Vertebrate: Rabbits

Vertebrate: Rabbits categories: Vertebrates revision date: 2022-12-28 12:00 Rabbit in the gardenPhoto by: Andy Lee/Pexels.com Biology Washington State is home to several species of rabbits and hares. Most of these species have several litters each year and populations can quickly grow to damaging proportions. These animals are important food sources for most of our predators […]

Vertebrate: Sapsucker damage

Vertebrate: Sapsucker damage categories: Vertebrates revision date: 2022-12-28 12:00 Sapsucker damage on birchPhoto by: C.R. Foss Biology Rows of horizontally oriented holes in trunks and branches of various types of trees are typical feeding sites for sapsuckers (woodpeckers). Mild to moderate damage usually has little long-term impact on the health of the tree. Severe damage […]

Vertebrate: Voles

Vertebrate: Voles categories: Vertebrates revision date: 2022-12-28 12:00 Townsend’s volePhoto by: Dave Pehling Biology The Pacific Northwest hosts about 16 vole species. These native rodents are important food sources for hawks, owls and other predators but a few species can cause serious damage to yards and gardens. Most species are skilled diggers and construct tunnel […]