
Tomato: Aphids

Tomato: Aphids categories: Tomato Tomato Insects Vegetables revision date: 2024-06-05 08:28 Aphid colony on leafPhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology Several species of aphids may feed on tomato. They are soft-bodied, pear-shaped insects which may be yellowish, pink, green, or black in color. They are usually found feeding in large colonies on new growth and on […]

Tomato: Brown marmorated stink bug

Tomato: Brown marmorated stink bug categories: Tomato Tomato Insects Vegetables revision date: 2024-06-05 10:13 Brown marmorated stink bug damage on green tomato fruitPhoto by: Gerald Brust, Univ of Maryland Biology The brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) is an introduced pest species from Asia that is spreading quickly across the United States. Nymphs and adults feed […]

Tomato: Colorado potato beetle

Tomato: Colorado potato beetle categories: Tomato Tomato Insects Vegetables revision date: 2024-06-05 10:25 Colorado potato beetle adultPhoto by: Clemson University Biology The adult Colorado potato beetle is a broad (1⁄4″ wide), yellow-and-black striped beetle up to about 3⁄8″ in length. The adults overwinter in the soil, emerging in the spring. They lay clusters of yellow […]

Tomato: Flea beetles

Tomato: Flea beetles categories: Tomato Tomato Insects Vegetables revision date: 2023-04-04 12:00 Adult flea beetle damage on potato leafPhoto by: Unknown Biology Flea beetles are small, brown to metallic black beetles with a habit of jumping like fleas when disturbed. They feed on many plants including potatoes, beets, kale, collards, radish, and many weeds, particularly […]

Tomato: Slugs

Tomato: Slugs categories: Tomato Tomato Insects Vegetables revision date: 2024-06-05 10:41 Slug damage and slimePhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Slugs are common garden pests in western Washington. They resemble snails, but lack shells. They may vary in size from as little as 1⁄4″ up to several inches in length, depending on age and species. Foliage […]

Tomato: Spider mites

Tomato: Spider mites categories: Tomato Tomato Insects Vegetables revision date: 2024-06-05 08:29 Spider mites under microscopePhoto by: L.K. Tanigoshi Biology Spider mites are tiny, eight-legged mites which range in color from yellowish to green or red. They typically feed on the underside of leaves, causing a yellowish to bronze stippling or speckling of leaves. Severe […]

Tomato: Tomato hornworm

Tomato: Tomato hornworm categories: Tomato Tomato Insects Vegetables revision date: 2024-06-05 02:10 Tomato hornworm larva close-upPhoto by: W. Cranshaw, CSU Biology The tomato hornworm is the larva of a sphinx moth. The adult moth has a wingspan of up to 4″-5″. Wing color is generally mottled gray. Mature caterpillars may reach up to 5″ in […]