Tree Fruits

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Pear slug

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Pear slug categories: Plum, Prune (fresh) Plum, Prune (Fresh) Insects Tree Fruits revision date: 2024-06-05 10:40 Pear slug and damaged leaf from feedingPhoto by: R.D. Akre Biology The pear sawfly is also known as the pear slug because of its resemblance to a small, dark slug. These insects are the larval stage […]

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Scale insects

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Scale insects categories: Plum, Prune (fresh) Plum, Prune (Fresh) Insects Tree Fruits revision date: 2024-06-05 02:04 Lecanium scales on twigPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Scale insects found on prune and plum include the San Jose scale and the lecanium scale. San Jose scales are about 1/16″ across and are found on twigs, […]

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Shothole borer

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Shothole borer categories: Plum, Prune (fresh) Plum, Prune (Fresh) Insects Tree Fruits revision date: 2022-12-05 12:00 Shothole borer holes on applePhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Shothole borers are small (1/10″ or less), brown to black, stubby-nosed beetles. Adults feed at the base of leaves or twigs. Later, they bore into the bark […]

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Spider mites

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Spider mites categories: Plum, Prune (fresh) Plum, Prune (Fresh) Insects Tree Fruits revision date: 2024-06-05 08:29 Spider mites under microscopePhoto by: L.K. Tanigoshi Biology Several species of spider mites can be found on plums. They range in color from pale yellowish or green to red or brown. Spider mites feed on the […]

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Spotted wing Drosophila (SWD)

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Spotted wing Drosophila (SWD) categories: Plum, Prune (fresh) Plum, Prune (Fresh) Insects Tree Fruits revision date: 2024-06-05 02:08 Spotted wing drosophila larva and fruit damagePhoto by: W. Hoashi-Erhardt Biology Spotted wing Drosophila (SWD) resembles other Drosophila species (fruit flies or vinegar flies) in appearance, but unlike other members of the family which […]

Pear: Crown gall

Pear: Crown gall categories: Pear Pear Diseases Tree Fruits revision date: 2022-12-05 12:00 Large gall on crownPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Crown gall is caused by a soilborne bacterium. The bacteria infect through wounds on the crown and roots. Young galls are fleshy, white, enlarged masses on the roots or stems. Older galls are hardened […]

Pear: European canker (Nectria canker)

Pear: European canker (Nectria canker) categories: Pear Pear Diseases Tree Fruits revision date: 2022-12-05 12:00 Mature European canker on branchPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Nectria or European canker is a fungal disease affecting the twigs and branches of pear and apple. Young cankers occur at leaf nodes on twigs and are sunken, dark, and water-soaked […]

Pear: Fire blight

Pear: Fire blight categories: Pear Pear Diseases Tree Fruits revision date: 2024-06-05 10:24 Fire blight infected leavesPhoto by: G.G. Grove Biology Fire blight is a bacterial infection which typically attacks via wounds or blossoms. Initially, twigs and flowers appear water-soaked. Infected tissues quickly turn brown to black and die back, often bending over in a […]

Pear: Pacific Coast pear rust

Pear: Pacific Coast pear rust categories: Pear Pear Diseases Tree Fruits revision date: 2022-12-05 12:00 Pear rust infection on leaf petiolePhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Pacific Coast pear rust is a fungal disease affecting pears, hawthorn, apple, crabapple, serviceberry, quince, and mountain ash. The alternate host is the incense cedar (Calocedrus decurrens), which develops witches’ […]

Pear: Pear trellis rust

Pear: Pear trellis rust categories: Pear Pear Diseases Tree Fruits revision date: 2022-12-05 12:00 Upper and lower leaf surface on Pyrus sp.Photo by: F. Geller-Grimm, Biology Pear trellis rust is a fungal disease that attacks pear trees and junipers. It is commonly reported on pear leaves in western Washington. Like many rust diseases, pear […]