Fact Sheets

Apricot: Bacterial canker

Apricot: Bacterial canker categories: Apricot Apricot Diseases Tree Fruits revision date: 2024-06-05 10:24 Bacterial canker on apricotPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Bacterial canker is favored by cool, wet weather and is common in western Washington. The bacteria overwinter in cankers, buds and other host tissues. Dark, cankered areas on trunks and branches may develop and […]

Walnut: Anthracnose (Blotch)

Walnut: Anthracnose (Blotch) categories: Tree Fruits Walnut Walnut Diseases revision date: 2024-06-05 10:24 Walnut anthracnose infection on leafPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Anthracnose or blotch of walnut is caused by a fungus. The disease affects leaves, young twigs, and nuts. Leaves develop irregularly circular reddish-brown to grayish-brown spots up to 3⁄4″ across. Severe infections on […]

Walnut: Blackline

Walnut: Blackline categories: Tree Fruits Walnut Walnut Diseases revision date: 2022-12-05 12:00 Walnut with bark cracks and blackline at graft unionPhoto by: J. W. Pscheidt Biology Blackline is a viral disease of English walnut (Juglans regia). It causes death of water-conducting tissues at the graft union. Initially, infected trees show poor growth, yellowing and drooping […]

Walnut: Blight

Walnut: Blight categories: Tree Fruits Walnut Walnut Diseases revision date: 2024-06-05 10:24 Walnut blight symptoms on husksPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Walnut blight is a bacterial disease affecting leaves, nuts, and other new growth including flowers. Bacteria are spread to new growth in the spring by rainy weather during the bloom season. Leaves develop reddish-brown […]

Walnut: Thousand cankers disease

Walnut: Thousand cankers disease categories: Tree Fruits Walnut Walnut Diseases revision date: 2022-12-05 12:00 Biology Thousand cankers disease (TCD) of walnut is a fungal disease associated with and spread by walnut twig beetles (WTB). Beetles feed on both healthy and damaged trees, but injured or weakened trees are more susceptible to rapid decline. The beetles […]

Walnut: European fruit lecanium

Walnut: European fruit lecanium categories: Tree Fruits Walnut Walnut Insects revision date: 2023-04-04 12:00 Lecanium scales on twigPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology The European fruit lecanium is a shiny brown scale insect found on twigs. Adults are 1⁄8″ to 1⁄4″ in diameter and roughly turtle-shaped. They may have light markings or appear somewhat waxy. Crawlers […]

Walnut: Walnut aphid

Walnut: Walnut aphid categories: Tree Fruits Walnut Walnut Insects revision date: 2024-06-05 10:40 Green peach aphid closeupPhoto by: Unknown Biology Walnut aphids are small, pale yellow, pear-shaped insects. They are typically found on the undersides of leaves. A second aphid species common on walnuts is the dusky-veined aphid, a grayish aphid found on upper leaf […]

Walnut: Walnut blister mite

Walnut: Walnut blister mite categories: Tree Fruits Walnut Walnut Insects revision date: 2022-12-05 12:00 Walnut blister mite damagePhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology The walnut blister mite is an eriophyid mite. These tiny, whitish, sausage-shaped mites cause raised green to yellowish blisters on the upper leaf surfaces. Beneath the blister, on the underside of the leaf, […]

Walnut: Walnut husk fly

Walnut: Walnut husk fly categories: Tree Fruits Walnut Walnut Insects revision date: 2024-06-05 10:25 Walnut husk fly damagePhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology Adult walnut husk flies are slightly smaller than a house fly. They are brown with a yellow mark on the back, and the otherwise clear wings are marked with dark bands. Females lay […]

Walnut: Walnut twig beetle

Walnut: Walnut twig beetle categories: Tree Fruits Walnut Walnut Insects revision date: 2022-12-05 12:00 Walnut twig beetle adultPhoto by: S. Valley, ODA Biology The walnut twig beetle (WTB) is a small bark-boring beetle (Pityophthorus juglandis) believed to be native to the southwestern US. Not a great deal is known about the beetle’s life cycle, but […]

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Armillaria root rot

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Armillaria root rot categories: Plum, Prune (fresh) Plum, Prune (Fresh) Diseases Tree Fruits revision date: 2022-12-05 12:00 White fungal mat of Armillaria root rot infecting trunkPhoto by: C.R. Foss Biology Armillaria root rot is a fungal disease often found in newly cleared soils or soils which have been flooded. Aboveground symptoms typically […]

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Bacterial canker

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Bacterial canker categories: Plum, Prune (fresh) Plum, Prune (Fresh) Diseases Tree Fruits revision date: 2022-12-05 12:00 Sunken area on trunk from bacterial canker infectionPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Bacterial canker can infect twigs, branches, fruit, or the trunk. Elongate, dark, purplish cankers develop during early spring, often producing bacterial ooze in wet […]

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Black knot

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Black knot categories: Plum, Prune (fresh) Plum, Prune (Fresh) Diseases Tree Fruits revision date: 2022-12-05 12:00 Mature black knot on twigPhoto by: R. Byther Biology Black knot is a fungal disease that infects cherry and plum. Early infections of twigs are elongated olive-green, corky knots. They turn black and hard as they […]

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Brown rot

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Brown rot categories: Plum, Prune (fresh) Plum, Prune (Fresh) Diseases Tree Fruits revision date: 2024-06-05 02:07 Brown rot mummified plumPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Brown rot is a blossom-infecting fungal disease. Infected flowers first appear water-soaked, then wilt and die. The light brown blossoms remain attached to the twigs, becoming covered with […]

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Crown gall

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Crown gall categories: Plum, Prune (fresh) Plum, Prune (Fresh) Diseases Tree Fruits revision date: 2022-12-05 12:00 Large gall on crownPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Crown gall is caused by a soilborne bacterium. The bacteria infect through wounds on the crown and roots. Young galls are fleshy, white, enlarged masses on the roots […]

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Cytospora canker

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Cytospora canker categories: Plum, Prune (fresh) Plum, Prune (Fresh) Diseases Tree Fruits revision date: 2022-12-05 12:00 Cytospora-infected peach twigsPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology The fungi which cause Cytospora canker attack through wounds on twigs and branches. Initial cankers are small, but enlarge quickly and may streak up and down the stems without […]

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Plum pockets

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Plum pockets categories: Plum, Prune (fresh) Plum, Prune (Fresh) Diseases Tree Fruits revision date: 2022-12-05 12:00 Plum pocket infected fruitPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Plum pockets is a fungal disease affecting fruit, twigs, and leaves. Infected fruit initially develop small, white spots which rapidly enlarge. The spots later turn reddish to velvety […]

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Russeting

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Russeting categories: Plum, Prune (fresh) Plum, Prune (Fresh) Diseases Tree Fruits revision date: 2024-06-05 02:07 Fruit russeting on plumPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Russeting of plum can be caused by several factors. Rain during the period of full bloom, mechanical rubbing against other fruit or branches caused by wind, or other injury […]

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Shothole (Coryneum blight)

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Shothole (Coryneum blight) categories: Plum, Prune (fresh) Plum, Prune (Fresh) Diseases Tree Fruits revision date: 2024-06-05 02:07 Coryneum blight symptoms on leaves and fruitPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Coryneum blight is a fungal disease. Lesions on leaves are initially small, purplish, round to oval areas which expand into brown spots with light […]

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Silver leaf

Plum, Prune (Fresh): Silver leaf categories: Plum, Prune (fresh) Plum, Prune (Fresh) Diseases Tree Fruits revision date: 2022-12-05 12:00 Silver leaf symptoms on leavesPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Silver leaf is a fungal disease affecting cherry, apricot, plum, and other stone fruits. The fungus typically grows on dead wood, but it can infect living tissues […]