Small Fruits

Raspberry: Yellow rust

Raspberry: Yellow rust categories: Raspberry Raspberry Diseases Small Fruits revision date: 2024-06-05 10:40 Raspberry rustPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Yellow rust is a fungal disease of the leaves and succulent tissues of red raspberries. Leaf infections occur in the spring, causing a yellowish to orange spotting on the upper surfaces. On the lower surface of […]

Raspberry: Aphids

Raspberry: Aphids categories: Raspberry Raspberry Insects Small Fruits revision date: 2024-06-05 08:28 Raspberry aphidPhoto by: E.P. Breakey Biology Aphids are small, soft-bodied, pear-shaped insects. They vary in color from yellow to green to brownish. Aphids on raspberries are typically found in colonies on the young growing tips of canes or on the underside of leaves. […]

Raspberry: Brown marmorated stink bug

Raspberry: Brown marmorated stink bug categories: Raspberry Raspberry Insects Small Fruits revision date: 2022-12-07 12:00 Brown marmorated stink bug adultPhoto by: M. Bush Biology The brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) is an introduced pest species from Asia that is spreading quickly across the United States. Nymphs and adults feed on a wide variety of plant […]

Raspberry: Cutworms and armyworms

Raspberry: Cutworms and armyworms categories: Raspberry Raspberry Insects Small Fruits revision date: 2023-04-03 12:00 Climbing cutworm, dark brown and hairlessPhoto by: K. Grey Biology Cutworms and armyworms are the larvae of noctuid moths. These common moths are medium-sized with fairly dull coloration. The pale green to brownish caterpillars are hairless, nocturnal, and generally spotted, striped, […]

Raspberry: Dryberry mite

Raspberry: Dryberry mite categories: Raspberry Raspberry Insects Small Fruits revision date: 2022-12-07 12:00 Dryberry mite damagePhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Dryberry mites attack the fruit of blackberries (including ‘Logan’ and ‘Boysen’ berries) and raspberries. They are tiny, sausage-shaped, yellowish to brown eriophyid mites. The mites overwinter in bark cracks and under bud scales, and attack […]

Raspberry: Leafrollers

Raspberry: Leafrollers categories: Raspberry Raspberry Insects Small Fruits revision date: 2023-04-12 12:00 Leafroller caterpillar, green with shiny black headPhoto by: S.M. Fitzpatrick and J.T. Troubridge Biology Several species of leafrollers can occur on raspberries and related plants. The caterpillars are typically light to dark green with light or dark heads, and are about 3⁄4″ long […]

Raspberry: Loopers

Raspberry: Loopers categories: Raspberry Raspberry Insects Small Fruits revision date: 2023-04-12 12:00 Cabbage looperPhoto by: Unknown Biology Loopers are green caterpillars up to about 1 1⁄2″ in length. They may have pale or dark stripes along the body. They are distinguished by their characteristic looping or “measuring-worm” movement. Loopers feed on leaves of many plants, chewing […]

Raspberry: Raspberry beetle (raspberry fruitworm)

Raspberry: Raspberry beetle (raspberry fruitworm) categories: Raspberry Raspberry Insects Small Fruits revision date: 2023-02-08 12:00 Adult beetle and leaf symptomsPhoto by: T. Murray Biology Raspberry fruitworm (the larva) and raspberry beetle (the adult) are pests of raspberries and loganberries. The adults are yellow-brown beetles about 1⁄6″ long. Raspberry beetles overwinter in the ground as adults, […]

Raspberry: Raspberry crown borer

Raspberry: Raspberry crown borer categories: Raspberry Raspberry Insects Small Fruits revision date: 2022-12-07 12:00 Raspberry crown borer larvae and damagePhoto by: E.P. Breakey Biology The adult raspberry crown borer is a clearwing moth with a wingspan of 1″ to 1 1⁄2″. The moth closely resembles a yellowjacket. Females lay eggs on the canes or leaf margins. […]

Raspberry: Root weevils

Raspberry: Root weevils categories: Raspberry Raspberry Insects Small Fruits revision date: 2022-12-07 12:00 Root weevil larval damagePhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology Several species of root weevils are common pests of raspberries. Adults are typically brown to black in color and may have lighter markings on the back. They range in size from 1⁄5″ to 1⁄3″ […]