Blueberry Insects

Blueberry: Aphids

Blueberry: Aphids categories: Blueberry Blueberry Insects Small Fruits revision date: 2024-06-05 08:28 Aphid adultsPhoto by: E.P. Breakey Biology Aphids are small, soft-bodied, pear-shaped insects. They may vary in color from yellow to green to pinkish. Aphids typically feed in colonies on leaves and shoots, often preferring the newer growth. Severe infestations may cause leaves to […]

Blueberry: Brown marmorated stink bug

Blueberry: Brown marmorated stink bug categories: Blueberry Blueberry Insects Small Fruits revision date: 2023-02-08 12:00 Brown marmorated stink bug adultPhoto by: M. Bush Biology The brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) is an introduced pest species from Asia that is spreading quickly across the United States. Nymphs and adults feed on a wide variety of plant […]

Blueberry: Leafrollers

Blueberry: Leafrollers categories: Blueberry Blueberry Insects Small Fruits revision date: 2023-04-12 12:00 Leafroller damage on blueberryPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Larvae of the orange tortrix and other leafrolling caterpillar species may be found on blueberries. The caterpillars are typically light to dark green with light or dark heads, and are about 3⁄4″ long at maturity. […]

Blueberry: Lecanium scale

Blueberry: Lecanium scale categories: Blueberry Blueberry Insects Small Fruits revision date: 2024-06-05 08:29 Lecanium scales on twigPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Lecanium scales are shiny brown insects found on twigs. Adults are 1⁄8″ to 1⁄4″ in diameter and roughly turtle-shaped. They may have light markings or appear somewhat waxy. Crawlers (immature scales) are flatter. Heavily […]

Blueberry: Spotted wing Drosophila (SWD)

Blueberry: Spotted wing Drosophila (SWD) categories: Blueberry Blueberry Insects Small Fruits revision date: 2024-06-05 02:08 Spotted wing drosophila larva and fruit damagePhoto by: W. Hoashi-Erhardt Biology Spotted wing Drosophila (SWD) resembles other Drosophila species (fruit flies or vinegar flies) in appearance, but unlike other members of the family which attack only overripe, damaged or decaying […]