Fact Sheets

Viburnum: Bean aphids

Viburnum: Bean aphids categories: Ornamentals Shrubs Viburnum Viburnum Insects revision date: 2024-06-05 02:04 Bean aphid on leafK. Grey Biology Bean aphids are soft-bodied dark green to black insects commonly found on the undersides of leaves and on new growth. They often occur in dense colonies. Heavy aphid feeding may distort shoot tips and leaves, and […]

Viburnum: Root weevils

Viburnum: Root weevils categories: Ornamentals Shrubs Viburnum Viburnum Insects revision date: 2023-04-04 12:00 Root weevil damage on viburnumPhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology Root weevil larvae feed on the roots and bark of plants near the crown. The white grubs are found in the soil around the roots. Heavy feeding by root weevil larvae can cause […]

Viburnum: Viburnum leaf beetle

Viburnum: Viburnum leaf beetle categories: Ornamentals Shrubs Viburnum Viburnum Insects revision date: 2022-12-04 12:00 Viburnum leaf beetle larvae and damagePhoto by: T. Murray Biology Viburnum leaf beetles overwinter as eggs on the previous year’s new stems. Larvae hatch in spring and begin to feed on the new viburnum leaves. Larvae are pale yellow to pale […]