Fact Sheets

Holly: Phytophthora leaf & twig blight

Holly: Phytophthora leaf & twig blight categories: Holly Holly Diseases Ornamentals Shrubs revision date: 2024-06-05 02:07 Holly Phytophthora leaf and twig blightPhoto by: J.W. Pscheidt Biology Leaf and twig blight of holly is caused by a different Phytophthora species than is associated with root rots. Symptoms first appear in the fall and winter during wet, […]

Holly: Red leaf spotting

Holly: Red leaf spotting categories: Holly Holly Diseases Ornamentals Shrubs revision date: 2022-12-02 12:00 Holly red leaf spottingPhoto by: J.W. Pscheidt Biology Red leaf spotting of holly is a general category which includes physical or pesticide damage, nutritional deficiency, and disease symptoms. Damage from the holly’s own spines can cause leaves to develop red or […]

Holly: Brown soft scale

Holly: Brown soft scale categories: Holly Holly Insects Ornamentals Shrubs revision date: 2024-06-05 08:28 Brown soft scalesPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Brown soft scales are yellowish to dark brown insects (adults are usually darker) up to approximately 1/8″ in diameter. They are found mainly on the underside of leaves or on green twigs. Soft scales […]

Holly: Cottony camellia scale

Holly: Cottony camellia scale categories: Holly Holly Insects Ornamentals Shrubs revision date: 2024-06-05 08:28 Cottony camellia scale on holly leavesPhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology The cottony camellia scale is a flat brownish or yellowish insect about 1/8″ in diameter. The scales overwinter on twigs or evergreen leaves. In the spring, the adult females lay cottony […]

Holly: Holly bud moth

Holly: Holly bud moth categories: Holly Holly Insects Ornamentals Shrubs revision date: 2024-06-05 02:07 Holly bud moth larvae damagePhoto by: Unknown Biology The adult holly bud moth is a mottled brown and black insect with a wingspan of approximately 1/2″. Overwintering eggs hatch in the spring. The larvae begin feeding on buds but soon move […]

Holly: Holly leafminer

Holly: Holly leafminer categories: Holly Holly Insects Ornamentals Shrubs revision date: 2022-12-05 12:00 Holly leafminer trailsPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology The holly leafminer feeds on English (Ilex aquifolium), American (I. opaca) and Japanese (I. crenata) hollies, tiny green blisters on the lower leaf surface often indicate sites where the females deposited eggs. Characteristic damage by […]

Holly: Lecanium scale

Holly: Lecanium scale categories: Holly Holly Insects Ornamentals Shrubs revision date: 2024-06-05 08:28 Lecanium scales on twigPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Lecanium scales are shiny brown insects found on leaves and twigs. Adults are 1/8″-1/4″ in diameter and roughly turtle-shaped. Crawlers (immature scales) are flatter. Scales produce large amounts of honeydew, a sweet, sticky material […]

Holly: Orange tortrix

Holly: Orange tortrix categories: Holly Holly Insects Ornamentals Shrubs revision date: 2024-06-05 02:07 Orange tortrix larva on raspberryPhoto by: R. LaLone Biology The larval stage of the orange tortrix is a leafrolling caterpillar. The larvae are tan to pale green with tan heads and about 1/2″ long at maturity. The feeding caterpillars typically roll or […]

Fuchsia: Black root rot

Fuchsia: Black root rot categories: Fuchsia Fuchsia Diseases Ornamentals Shrubs revision date: 2022-12-02 12:00 Fuchsia black root rotPhoto by: L.J. du Toit Biology Black root rot is caused by a widely distributed fungal root pathogen. Untreated or mismanaged field soil can be the source of the fungus. Spores can be found in commercial peat moss. […]

Fuchsia: Rust

Fuchsia: Rust categories: Fuchsia Fuchsia Diseases Ornamentals Shrubs revision date: 2022-12-02 12:00 Fuchsia rust causing blotches on upper and lower leaf surfacesPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Fuchsia rust is caused by a fungus. It also affects fireweed and true firs. It produces yellowish spores on fir needles. Spores produced on firs then infect fuchsia. Older […]

Fuchsia: Fuchsia gall mite

Fuchsia: Fuchsia gall mite categories: Fuchsia Fuchsia Insects Ornamentals Shrubs revision date: 2022-12-02 12:00 Fuchsia mite damagePhoto by: L.J. du Toit Biology The fuchsia gall mite is a tiny eriophyid mite which infests shoot tips, young leaves, and flower buds. Damage appears as distortion, twisting, blistering, or swelling. Tissues may become thickened and form irregular, […]

Euonymus: Bacterial blight

Euonymus: Bacterial blight categories: Euonymus Euonymus Diseases Ornamentals Shrubs revision date: 2024-06-05 10:24 Biology Bacterial blight causes shoots to blacken and die back. Leaf spotting caused by the blight is infrequent on euonymus, but common on other plant species. Infection is favored by moist weather. Wounds are frequent infection sites, especially those caused by frost […]

Euonymus: Crown gall

Euonymus: Crown gall categories: Euonymus Euonymus Diseases Ornamentals Shrubs revision date: 2022-12-01 12:00 Crown gall on euonymusPhoto by: C.R. Foss Biology Crown gall is caused by a soilborne bacterium. The bacteria infect through wounds on the stems, crown, and roots. Young galls are fleshy, white to greenish, and look like cauliflower when above ground. Older […]

Euonymus: Powdery mildew

Euonymus: Powdery mildew categories: Euonymus Euonymus Diseases Ornamentals Shrubs revision date: 2024-06-05 02:03 Powdery mildew on euonymusPhoto by: J.W. Pscheidt Biology Powdery mildew is a fungal disease of the leaves of Euonymus japonica (evergreen euonymus). Characteristic patches of gray-white, powdery fungus are found in thick mats on the upper and lower leaf surfaces. Affected leaves […]

Euonymus: Euonymus scale

Euonymus: Euonymus scale categories: Euonymus Euonymus Insects Ornamentals Shrubs revision date: 2024-06-05 02:04 Euonymus scalePhoto by: Unknown Biology Euonymus scale females are dark, 1/16″ long, and mussel-shaped. The males are narrow, elongate, and white. Euonymus scales are found on both leaves and stems. Infested leaves develop yellow to white spots from scale feeding. Crawlers are […]

Cotoneaster: Bacterial blight

Cotoneaster: Bacterial blight categories: Cotoneaster Cotoneaster Diseases Ornamentals Shrubs revision date: 2024-06-05 10:24 Biology Bacterial blight symptoms first appear in the spring (April-May) as brown spots on young stems and leaves, followed by wilted and blackened new growth. The disease is especially favored by wet conditions. Infection often occurs at injury sites, such as those […]

Cotoneaster: Fire blight

Cotoneaster: Fire blight categories: Cotoneaster Cotoneaster Diseases Ornamentals Shrubs revision date: 2022-12-01 12:00 Cotoneaster fire blightPhoto by: R. Maleike Biology Fire blight is a bacterial disease which initially infects via flowers. Common symptoms include watersoaked spots on the bark, cankers at the base of affected twigs, and droplets of a dark bacterial ooze on the […]

Cotoneaster: Scab

Cotoneaster: Scab categories: Cotoneaster Cotoneaster Diseases Ornamentals Shrubs revision date: 2022-12-01 12:00 Apple scab on leaves and young fruitPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Symptoms of scab on cotoneaster are similar to those on apple. A fungal disease, scab causes leaves and fruit to develop dark or black blotchy spots. Initially, the leaves show pale pinhead […]

Cotoneaster: Cotoneaster webworm

Cotoneaster: Cotoneaster webworm categories: Cotoneaster Cotoneaster Insects Ornamentals Shrubs revision date: 2024-06-07 06:33 Cotoneaster webworm damagePhoto by: C.R. Foss Biology The cotoneaster webworm is a dark brown caterpillar, 1/4″ to 1/2″ long. It typically ties clumps of leaves together with webbing and feeds within the nests, skeletonizing leaves. The caterpillars feed during the summer and […]

Cotoneaster: Spider mites

Cotoneaster: Spider mites categories: Cotoneaster Cotoneaster Insects Ornamentals Shrubs revision date: 2024-06-05 08:28 Spider mites under microscopePhoto by: L.K. Tanigoshi Biology Spider mites are tiny, eight-legged, and of various colors from yellowish to dark to red. They may be found on the upper or lower surface of leaves and often produce a fine webbing on […]