Fact Sheets

Poplar: Carpenterworm

Poplar: Carpenterworm categories: Ornamental trees Ornamentals Poplar Poplar Insects revision date: 2022-11-29 12:00 Carpenterworm larval minePhoto by: Unknown Biology Carpenterworms are the larvae of a mottled gray and black moth. The caterpillars are white to pinkish-red with a dark head and 1″ to 3″ long when mature. They bore in the trunk and main branches […]

Poplar: Oystershell scale

Poplar: Oystershell scale categories: Ornamental trees Ornamentals Poplar Poplar Insects revision date: 2024-06-05 02:04 Severe oystershell scale infestation on twigPhoto by: Unknown Biology Oystershell scales are usually found on trunks, branches, and twigs. They occur infrequently on the leaves. Immature scales, or crawlers, are yellowish to white. They are typically present around June. Crawlers develop […]

Poplar: Poplar petiole gall aphids

Poplar: Poplar petiole gall aphids categories: Ornamental trees Ornamentals Poplar Poplar Insects revision date: 2024-06-05 10:40 Poplar petiole gall aphidPhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology Aphids which cause galling of the leaf stem (petiole) are small, soft-bodied insects. The females lay eggs on tree bark in the fall. The eggs hatch in the spring, and the […]

Poplar: Poplar-and-willow borer

Poplar: Poplar-and-willow borer categories: Ornamental trees Ornamentals Poplar Poplar Insects revision date: 2022-11-29 12:00 Poplar-and-willow borer adult Biology The adult poplar-and-willow borer is a black and white weevil (a flightless beetle) about 3/8″ long. The larvae are white, legless, and about 1/4″ long at maturity. They feed by mining beneath the bark of trunk and […]

Poplar: Satin moth

Poplar: Satin moth categories: Ornamental trees Ornamentals Poplar Poplar Insects revision date: 2023-04-12 12:00 Satin mothPhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology The caterpillars of the satin moth feed on leaves of poplars and willows. They may also occasionally attack oak and aspen. The adult moth is satiny and pure white, with a wingspan of 1 1/2″ […]

Poplar: Tent caterpillars

Poplar: Tent caterpillars categories: Ornamental trees Ornamentals Poplar Poplar Insects revision date: 2024-06-05 10:25 Tent caterpillars and webbingPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Two species of tent caterpillar are common in Washington. The forest tent caterpillar is about 2″ long at maturity and has a bluish body with black and white markings. This species makes silk […]