Fact Sheets

Madrone: Collar rot (Phytophthora)

Madrone: Collar rot (Phytophthora) categories: Madrone Madrone Diseases Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2022-11-23 04:57 Phytophthora collar rot on madronePhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Collar rot is caused by a fungus which lives in soil. Leaves of infected trees may be discolored, stunted or may die. Cankers occur near the trunk base, and appear sunken, […]

Madrone: Leaf blight

Madrone: Leaf blight categories: Madrone Madrone Diseases Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2022-11-23 04:55 Leaf blight on madronePhoto by: G.A. Chastanger Biology Madrone trees suffer from numerous fungal leaf diseases. One such problem, madrone leaf blight, appears to be caused by a pathogen that damages leaves after periods of cold weather in winter or early […]

Madrone: Leaf gall

Madrone: Leaf gall categories: Madrone Madrone Diseases Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2022-11-23 04:46 Madrone leaf gall (blisters) on leavesPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Leaf gall in madrone is caused by a fungus that infects leaf tissue. From late spring to mid-summer, fruiting bodies emerge from the leaf tissue, rupture the cuticle, and release their […]

Madrone: Leaf spot

Madrone: Leaf spot categories: Madrone Madrone Diseases Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2022-11-23 04:35 Madrone leaf spotsPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Madrone leaf spot is caused by a fungus that can overwinter on the leaves. More than 18 species of fungi have been reported to cause leaf spots on madrone. The spots are about 1/4 […]

Madrone: Madrone canker

Madrone: Madrone canker categories: Madrone Madrone Diseases Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2022-11-23 04:32 Black canker and peeling bark on madronePhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Several different fungi can cause canker; they are spread by wind, rain, soil, tools, and equipment. They infect the tree at a wound and kill nearby healthy tissue. Cankers expand […]

Madrone: Madrone leafminer

Madrone: Madrone leafminer categories: Madrone Madrone Insects Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2022-11-23 04:28 Madrone leafminer and shieldbearer damagePhoto by: S.J. Collman Biology Larvae of this leaf and twig mining moth blaze sinuous, serpentine mines across the upper sides of leaves. Since leafminers usually cause only minor damage, they do not affect the long-term health […]

Madrone: Shield bearer

Madrone: Shield bearer categories: Madrone Madrone Insects Ornamental trees Ornamentals revision date: 2022-11-23 04:22 Madrone leafminer and shieldbearer damagePhoto by: S.J. Collman Biology Shield bearers are moth larvae that mine out elliptical pupal chambers on the leaves. When pupal cells drop off, “shot holes” or small “windows” are observed on the leaves. Shield bearers usually […]