Fact Sheets

Spruce: Coneworms

Spruce: Coneworms categories: Conifers Ornamentals Spruce Spruce Insects revision date: 2023-02-07 12:00 Coneworm larvae on pinePhoto by: K. Grey Biology Coneworms attack the green cones of spruce by burrowing into them and feeding. They may also bore into shoot tips, causing tip dieback, or feed on the soft bark of young growth. The coneworms are […]

Spruce: Cooley spruce gall adelgid

Spruce: Cooley spruce gall adelgid categories: Conifers Ornamentals Spruce Spruce Insects revision date: 2023-02-07 12:00 Cooley spruce gall adelgid damagePhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology This aphid-like insect feeds at the base of newly growing needles. The plant responds to adelgid feeding by forming a green or purplish cone-shaped gall around them. This 1⁄2″ to 3″ […]

Spruce: Douglas fir tussock moth

Spruce: Douglas fir tussock moth categories: Conifers Ornamentals Spruce Spruce Insects revision date: 2023-04-12 12:00 Douglas-fir tussock mothPhoto by: R.D. Akre Biology Douglas fir tussock moth larvae are distinguished by three long tufts of black hairs on their body (two in front, one in back) and lighter tufts along their back. They feed on the […]

Spruce: Pine needle scale

Spruce: Pine needle scale categories: Conifers Ornamentals Spruce Spruce Insects revision date: 2024-06-05 08:29 Photo by: A.L. Antonelli close-up.Photo by: R.S. Byther Biology Pine needle scale occurs on the needles of spruce, pine, and true fir. The elongate, flattened scales are white and about 1⁄16″ long. Infested needles are mottled yellow at first, then turn […]

Spruce: Spruce aphid

Spruce: Spruce aphid categories: Conifers Ornamentals Spruce Spruce Insects revision date: 2024-06-05 08:28 Spruce aphid damagePhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Plants affected by spruce aphid first show yellowish blotches on the needles, sometimes with honeydew (sticky material excreted by the aphids) present. The needles may turn completely yellow or brown and drop. Spruce aphids feed […]

Spruce: Spruce bud scale

Spruce: Spruce bud scale categories: Conifers Ornamentals Spruce Spruce Insects revision date: 2024-06-05 08:29 Spruce bud scalePhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology Spruce bud scales are reddish to brown in color and occur at the base of new shoots. They tend to be very inconspicuous, as they may be partly hidden by the bark. Lower branches […]

Spruce: Spruce budworm

Spruce: Spruce budworm categories: Conifers Ornamentals Spruce Spruce Insects revision date: 2023-04-12 12:00 Caption: Spruce budwormPhoto by: T.J. Fitzgerald Biology These larvae feed on the buds and foliage and may tie shoot tips together with webbing to make a nest. They are typically green to brown in color with a darker head and grow to […]

Spruce: Spruce needleminer

Spruce: Spruce needleminer categories: Conifers Ornamentals Spruce Spruce Insects revision date: 2023-02-07 12:00 Spruce needleminer larvaPhoto by: R. Van Denburgh Biology The spruce needle miner feeds on spruce needles from the inside out, starting at the base of the needle. These larvae are light greenish to brown and grow to approximately 1⁄2″ long. Large amounts […]

Spruce: White pine weevil

Spruce: White pine weevil categories: Conifers Ornamentals Spruce Spruce Insects revision date: 2023-02-07 12:00 Spruce white pine weevil damagePhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology The white pine weevil attacks the terminal or top shoot of the tree. Infested terminals may be seriously damaged or killed. Often, the terminal droops, wilts, or is deformed by the feeding […]