Fact Sheets

Pine: Pine butterfly

Pine: Pine butterfly categories: Conifers Ornamentals Pine Pine Insects revision date: 2023-04-12 12:00 Pine butterflyPhoto by: Unknown Biology The larva of the pine butterfly is a dark green caterpillar with white stripes on the sides and a black head. The caterpillars feed on the needles, hatching out when new needles begin to appear. Young larvae […]

Pine: Pine needle scale

Pine: Pine needle scale categories: Conifers Ornamentals Pine Pine Insects revision date: 2024-06-05 08:29 Pine needle scalePhoto by: K. Grey Biology Pine needle scales are elongate, pure white scales which feed on the needles. Heavily infested trees may appear “flocked”. Infested needles turn yellow, then brown. Twigs and branches may be killed. Repeated infestations may […]

Pine: Pine needle sheathminer (Pine sheath miner)

Pine: Pine needle sheathminer (Pine sheath miner) categories: Conifers Ornamentals Pine Pine Insects revision date: 2024-06-05 02:07 Pine sheath minerPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Pine needle sheathminers are orange to tan larvae that feed on the needles. Young larvae mine inside needles, while older larvae feed at the base of needles inside the needle sheath. […]

Pine: Sequoia pitch moth

Pine: Sequoia pitch moth categories: Conifers Ornamentals Pine Pine Insects revision date: 2023-02-07 12:00 Sequoia pitch mothPhoto by: S.J. Collman Biology The larvae of the sequoia pitch moth feed by boring into branches or trunks. At the point where the larva enters the wood, small to large masses of white to pinkish pitch accumulate. The […]

Pine: Spider mites

Pine: Spider mites categories: Conifers Ornamentals Pine Pine Insects revision date: 2024-06-05 08:29 Spider mites under microscopePhoto by: L.K. Tanigoshi Biology Spruce spider mites feed on older needles, causing yellowish to gray stippling (tiny spots) and needle chlorosis or yellowing. Fine webbing is usually present on infested needles and twigs. The mites are tiny and […]

Pine: White pine weevil

Pine: White pine weevil categories: Conifers Ornamentals Pine Pine Insects revision date: 2023-02-07 12:00 White pine weevil damagePhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology White pine weevils are brown beetles with light blotches on the highly curved back. Adults grow to about 1⁄4″ long and feed on shoots and needles of pines and spruces. The larvae feed […]

Pine: Armillaria root rot

Pine: Armillaria root rot categories: Conifers Ornamentals Pine Pine Diseases revision date: 2023-02-07 12:00 White fungal mat of Armillaria root rot infecting trunkPhoto by: C.R. Foss Biology Armillaria root rot is a fungal disease transmitted between plants by root contact or through infected soil. Armillaria is often found in newly cleared soils or soils which […]

Pine: Dwarf mistletoe

Pine: Dwarf mistletoe categories: Conifers Ornamentals Pine Pine Diseases revision date: 2023-02-07 12:00 Dwarf mistletoe in coniferPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Dwarf mistletoe is a parasitic plant that grows on the branches of a host tree. It is yellow-green, olive-green, or somewhat orange in color and grows in clusters to about four inches high. The […]

Pine: Elytroderma needle cast

Pine: Elytroderma needle cast categories: Conifers Ornamentals Pine Pine Diseases revision date: 2023-02-07 12:00 Elytroderma needle castPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Trees infected with Elytroderma needle cast often display clusters or flags of red-brown needles in the spring. The diseased twigs turn up at the tip. The bases of affected needles often remain green. In […]

Pine: Lophodermella needle cast

Pine: Lophodermella needle cast categories: Conifers Ornamentals Pine Pine Diseases revision date: 2024-06-05 02:07 Lophodermella needle castPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology This fungal disease infects current-season needles, but symptoms are not found until the following spring. Infected needles turn reddish-brown, and later become yellow or straw-colored. Shallow dimples or depressions can be found on all […]

Pine: Lophodermium needle cast

Pine: Lophodermium needle cast categories: Conifers Ornamentals Pine Pine Diseases revision date: 2024-06-05 02:07 Pine Lophodermium needle castPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Lophodermium needle cast is a fungal disease infecting the needles of pines. There are 19 Lophodermium species in the Pacific Northwest. One species of concern, L. seditiosum, infects current-season needles, which are killed by […]

Pine: Phytophthora root rot

Pine: Phytophthora root rot categories: Conifers Ornamentals Pine Pine Diseases revision date: 2023-02-07 12:00 Phytophthora root rot damage to trunkPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Phytophthora root rot is usually a problem only in areas with poor drainage or where flooding occurs. The fungus attacks the roots, which rot and die. The infection moves up into […]

Pine: Western gall rust

Pine: Western gall rust categories: Conifers Ornamentals Pine Pine Diseases revision date: 2023-02-07 12:00 Western gall rustPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Western gall rust affects primarily two- and three-needle pines, including shore, lodgepole, mugo, Scotch, Austrian, and ponderosa pines. This fungal disease causes small to large round or pear-shaped galls on infected twigs, branches, or […]

Pine: White pine blister rust

Pine: White pine blister rust categories: Conifers Ornamentals Pine Pine Diseases revision date: 2023-02-07 12:00 White pine blister rustPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology White pine blister rust is a fungal disease which attacks all five-needle or white pines. Elongate cankers are formed on trunks and branches. The cankers may ooze resin. In the spring, fungal […]

Juniper: Aphids

Juniper: Aphids categories: Conifers Juniper Juniper Insects Ornamentals revision date: 2024-06-05 08:28 Giant conifer aphids on pinePhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology Aphids on junipers are typically fairly large (up to 1⁄5″ long) black insects with long legs. Aphid feeding weakens plants, causes foliage to turn brown, and may kill twigs and branches or cause premature […]

Juniper: Cypress tip moth

Juniper: Cypress tip moth categories: Conifers Juniper Juniper Insects Ornamentals revision date: 2024-06-07 06:33 Juniper cypress tip mothPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology The adult cypress tip moth (cypress tip miner) is a silver-tan moth approximately 1⁄4″ in length. The larvae are green, about 1⁄8″ long, and tunnel in the leaves and growing shoot tips. Damage […]

Juniper: Juniper scale

Juniper: Juniper scale categories: Conifers Juniper Juniper Insects Ornamentals revision date: 2024-06-05 08:28 Juniper scalePhoto by: Unknown Biology The juniper scale is a small, round, white to gray scale with a yellow dot at the center. Leaves, twigs, branches, and cones may be attacked. Symptoms of scale feeding include loss of normal color and luster […]

Juniper: Juniper tip midge

Juniper: Juniper tip midge categories: Conifers Juniper Juniper Insects Ornamentals revision date: 2023-02-07 12:00 Biology Juniper tip midge larvae feed in the tips of shoots, causing them to swell and form green galls. After the larvae have left, the galls turn brown (sometimes reddish) and the tips die back. Symptoms of mining and exit holes […]

Juniper: Juniper webworm

Juniper: Juniper webworm categories: Conifers Juniper Juniper Insects Ornamentals revision date: 2024-06-07 06:33 Juniper webworm damagePhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology The adult juniper webworm is a copper-brown moth with white bands on the edges of the front wings. The moth is about 1⁄2″ across. The webworm caterpillars initially feed by mining inside leaves, then gather […]

Juniper : Leafminers

Juniper : Leafminers categories: Conifers Juniper Juniper Insects Ornamentals revision date: 2022-11-05 08:05 Juniper cypress tip mothPhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology Various species of leafminers may occur on junipers. In general, the damage they produce is very similar to that of the cypress tip moth. Damage is typically limited to tips of twigs, which are […]