Natural Enemies

Predatory Flies : Hover flies

Predatory Flies : Hover flies categories: Natural Enemies Predatory Flies revision date: 2022-10-25 05:01 Adult hover fly (Sphaerophoria sp.) (Syrphidae)Photo by: D.G. James Biology Superficially, hover flies do not look like ‘flies’, instead they resemble wasps by having a yellow or orange and black-banded abdomen. They range in size from ¼ to ½ inch and […]

Predatory Flies : Long legged flies

Predatory Flies : Long legged flies categories: Natural Enemies Predatory Flies revision date: 2022-10-25 04:55 Adult long legged fly (Condylostylus sp.) (Dolichopodidae)Photo by: D.G. James Biology Long legged flies, as their name suggests, are graced with long legs. These flies are ¼ to ½ inch long, metallic-green to blue and common in most gardens, favoring […]

Predatory Flies : Predatory midges

Predatory Flies : Predatory midges categories: Natural Enemies Predatory Flies revision date: 2022-10-25 04:53 Larva of the predatory gall midge (Feltiella acarisuga) (Cecidomyiidae)Photo by: D.G. James Biology Predatory midges are tiny (< 1/8 inch) mosquito-like flies with a couple of species preying as larvae on aphids and mites. The predatory gall midge (Feltiella acarisuga) specializes […]

Predatory Flies : Robber flies

Predatory Flies : Robber flies categories: Natural Enemies Predatory Flies revision date: 2022-10-25 04:47 Adult robber fly (Asilidae)Photo by: D.G. James Biology Robber flies are large (1/2 to 1 inch), aggressive predators that capture prey while in flight! They have prominent eyes, long legs and a tapered slender abdomen. They catch and consume many kinds […]

Predatory Beetles : Convergent lady beetles

Predatory Beetles : Convergent lady beetles categories: Natural Enemies Predatory Beetles revision date: 2022-10-25 10:48 Overwintering aggregation of convergent lady beetles (Hippodamia convergens) (Coccinellidae)Photo by: D.G. James Biology The convergent lady beetle (Hippodamia convergens) adult is approximately 1/4 inch in length and more oval-shaped than round. The wing covers are orange to red, typically with […]

Predatory Beetles : Ground beetles

Predatory Beetles : Ground beetles categories: Natural Enemies Predatory Beetles revision date: 2022-10-25 10:46 Ground beetle (Carabidae)Photo by: D.G. James Biology Carabids or ground beetles, as their name suggests, are ground-dwelling, living in soil and detritus, with some species preying on cutworms, ants, maggots, earthworms, slugs and other beetles. Largely nocturnal, they are rarely seen […]

Predatory Beetles : Lady beetles

Predatory Beetles : Lady beetles categories: Natural Enemies Predatory Beetles revision date: 2022-10-25 10:35 Adult transverse lady beetle (Coccinella transversoguttata) (Coccinellidae)Photo by: D.G. James Biology Lady beetles are industrious predators of not only aphids but also many other soft bodied arthropods like mites, thrips, insect eggs, scale insects and mealybugs. There are about 90 species […]

Predatory Beetles : Mite-eating lady and Scymnus beetles

Predatory Beetles : Mite-eating lady and Scymnus beetles categories: Natural Enemies Predatory Beetles revision date: 2022-10-25 10:00 Adult mite-eating lady beetle (Stethorus picipes) (Coccinellidae)Photo by: D.G. James Biology The mite-eating lady beetles (Stethorus picipes, Stethorus punctillum) are pin head-sized (1/25 to 1/16 inch), black, oval, convex, and shiny, covered with sparse, fine, yellowish-to-white hairs. Stethorus […]

Predatory Beetles : Rove beetles

Predatory Beetles : Rove beetles categories: Natural Enemies Predatory Beetles revision date: 2022-10-25 09:45 Adult rove beetle (Staphylinidae)Photo by: D.G. James Biology Rove beetles are odd-looking shiny brown or black beetles, ¼- 1 inch in length, elongate and short-winged. Turn over a rock or log especially near a compost pile and you will frequently find […]

Predatory Beetles : Seven-spot lady beetles

Predatory Beetles : Seven-spot lady beetles categories: Natural Enemies Predatory Beetles revision date: 2022-10-25 09:35 Adult seven-spot lady beetle (Coccinella septempunctata) (Coccinellidae)Photo by: D.G. James Biology The seven-spot lady beetle (Coccinella septempunctata) species is comparatively large (approximately 3/8 inch), with a white or pale spot on either side of the first section between the head […]