Natural Enemies

Parasitic Wasps : Chalcid wasps

Parasitic Wasps : Chalcid wasps categories: Natural Enemies Parasitic Wasps revision date: 2022-10-26 04:54 Parasitic Chalcid wasp (Chalcididae)Photo by: D.G. James Biology Chalcids are very small (1/50 to 1/16 inch) dark-colored parasitic wasps, often metallic blue or green with complex sculpturing on the body. There are hundreds of species in the Pacific Northwest mostly attacking […]

Parasitic Wasps : Encyrtid wasps

Parasitic Wasps : Encyrtid wasps categories: Natural Enemies Parasitic Wasps revision date: 2022-10-26 04:52 Encyrtid wasp (Metaphycus sp.) (Encyrtidae)Photo by: D.G. James Biology Encyrtids are a group of very small (1/50 to 1/16 inch) parasitoids, which are important in biological control in agriculture suppressing scale insects and mealybugs. Other species attack beetles, flies, caterpillars, grasshoppers, […]

Parasitic Wasps : Ichneumonid and braconid wasps

Parasitic Wasps : Ichneumonid and braconid wasps categories: Natural Enemies Parasitic Wasps revision date: 2022-10-26 03:29 Ichneumonid wasp (Trogus sp.) (Ichneumonidae)Photo by: D.G. James Biology This group of familiar parasitic wasps comprises a number of species that target caterpillars. Adults usually measure from ½ to 1 ½ inches in length and are slender and long-legged […]

Stinging Wasps : Hunting wasps

Stinging Wasps : Hunting wasps categories: Natural Enemies Stinging Wasps revision date: 2022-10-26 03:08 Hunting wasp (Sphecidae) carrying caterpillar preyPhoto by: D.G. James Biology Hunting wasps are solitary and rarely sting. There are many species ranging in size from ½ to 1 ½ inches belonging to a number of families and each specializes in the […]

Parasitic Flies : Bee flies

Parasitic Flies : Bee flies categories: Natural Enemies Parasitic Flies revision date: 2022-10-26 03:01 Adult bee fly (Anastoechus sp.) (Bombyliidae)Photo by: D.G. James Biology Bee flies are as their name suggests bee-like with large, fuzzy bodies and range from ¼ to ¾ inch in wingspan. Despite spear-like mouthparts, they are pollen feeders and harmless. Their […]

Predatory Flies : Bee flies

Predatory Flies : Bee flies categories: Natural Enemies Predatory Flies revision date: 2022-10-26 02:52 Adult bee fly (Anastoechus sp.) (Bombyliidae)Photo by: D.G. James Biology Bee flies are as their name suggests bee-like with large, fuzzy bodies and range from ¼ to ¾ inch in wingspan. Despite spear-like mouthparts, they are pollen feeders and harmless. Their […]

Predatory Flies : Dance flies

Predatory Flies : Dance flies categories: Natural Enemies Predatory Flies revision date: 2022-10-26 02:50 Adult dance fly (Platypalpus sp.) (Hybotidae)Photo by: D.G. James Biology Dance flies are similar in appearance and size to long legged flies but with shorter legs and usually a humped. They are predators of aphids, flies, thrips and other small soft-bodied […]

Parasitic Flies : Tachinid flies

Parasitic Flies : Tachinid flies categories: Natural Enemies Parasitic Flies revision date: 2022-10-26 02:01 Tachinid fly (Tachinidae)Photo by: D.G. James Biology Tachinid flies resemble large house flies and are the most important group of parasitic flies usually targeting caterpillars. Tachinids range from ¼ to ½ inch in length and are usually dark, robust and hairy […]

Stinging Wasps : Paper wasps

Stinging Wasps : Paper wasps categories: Natural Enemies Stinging Wasps revision date: 2022-10-26 11:23 Introduced European paper wasp, Polistes dominula (Vespidae)Photo by: D.G. James Biology Native paper wasps live in small groups of 6-20 in papery nests hanging from stalks under eaves or from branches in bushes and trees. These wasps search plants for caterpillars, […]

Stinging Wasps : Yellowjackets

Stinging Wasps : Yellowjackets categories: Natural Enemies Stinging Wasps revision date: 2022-10-26 10:09 Group of Yellowjackets feedingPhoto by: R.D. Akre Biology Yellowjackets are aggressive especially in late summer and fall, do more harm than good and should not be encouraged. The nests of yellowjackets are located below ground or behind walls and may contain hundreds […]