Lawn and Turf

Lawn and Turf: Ants

Lawn and Turf: Ants categories: Lawn and Turf Lawn and Turf Insects revision date: 2024-06-07 08:13 Thatching ant moundPhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology Ants are primarily a nuisance pest in lawns. Occasionally, they may kill the grass, causing an aesthetic problem. Various species may occur in lawns, including harvester ants which can have a severe […]

Lawn and Turf: Billbugs

Lawn and Turf: Billbugs categories: Lawn and Turf Lawn and Turf Insects revision date: 2023-04-04 12:00 Billbug adultPhoto by: K. Grey Biology Billbugs are a problem in eastern Washington. They have not yet been detected in western Washington. Both the adults and larvae cause damage. Kentucky bluegrass is severely damaged, while bentgrass is not affected. […]

Lawn and Turf: Chinch bugs

Lawn and Turf: Chinch bugs categories: Lawn and Turf Lawn and Turf Insects revision date: 2023-04-04 12:00 Chinch bug adultPhoto by: D. Pehling Biology Chinch bugs feed on the stems, injecting a toxic saliva as they feed. Damage typically appears in mid- to late summer. Affected grass turns yellow and dies. The damage often resembles […]

Lawn and Turf: Cutworms

Lawn and Turf: Cutworms categories: Lawn and Turf Lawn and Turf Insects revision date: 2024-06-05 10:25 Redbacked cutwormPhoto by: K. Grey Biology Cutworms are the larvae of noctuid moths. These common moths are medium-sized with fairly dull coloration. The greenish, grayish, or tan caterpillars are hairless, nocturnal, and generally spotted, striped, or otherwise marked. They […]

Lawn and Turf: European crane fly

Lawn and Turf: European crane fly categories: Lawn and Turf Lawn and Turf Insects revision date: 2023-04-04 12:00 European cranefly damage on lawnPhoto by: C.R. Foss Biology The larvae of the European cranefly feed on the crowns of grasses during the winter and spring. Damage can be severe in lawns, appearing as large patches of […]

Lawn and Turf: Leafhoppers

Lawn and Turf: Leafhoppers categories: Lawn and Turf Lawn and Turf Insects revision date: 2022-10-30 11:45 LeafhopperPhoto by: K. Grey Biology Leafhoppers are slender, somewhat wedge-shaped insects that hop or fly just above the lawn surface when disturbed. They are variously-colored, from yellowish to green to gray-brown. The wings are typically held roof-like above the […]

Lawn and Turf: Moles

Lawn and Turf: Moles categories: Lawn and Turf Lawn and Turf Insects revision date: 2022-12-28 12:00 MolePhoto by: D. Pehling Biology There are three species of moles in the Pacific Northwest which are considered a problem in landscapes. The Townsend’s mole (Scapanus townsendii) is the most common and is found throughout western Washington and Oregon. […]

Lawn and Turf: 2,4-D damage

Lawn and Turf: 2,4-D damage categories: Lawn and Turf Lawn and Turf Diseases revision date: 2022-10-30 11:20 2,4-D damage to grassPhoto by: Beth Staley Biology Bentgrasses are commonly used for lawns in western Washington and found as weeds in eastern and western Washington. Both weedy species and cultivated varieties are susceptible to damage by 2,4-D, […]

Lawn and Turf: Algae

Lawn and Turf: Algae categories: Lawn and Turf Lawn and Turf Diseases revision date: 2024-06-05 10:24 Black algaePhoto by: G. Stahnke Biology Algae are tiny, single-celled plants commonly found in lakes and wet areas. Algal growth on lawns is common in the coastal regions of the Pacific Northwest, particularly on grass planted in wet, low-lying, […]

Lawn and Turf: Anthracnose/Basal crown rot

Lawn and Turf: Anthracnose/Basal crown rot categories: Lawn and Turf Lawn and Turf Diseases revision date: 2023-04-12 12:00 Basal crown rotPhoto by: R.S. Byther Biology Anthracnose of turfgrass is a fungal disease with two phases. Phase I affects the leaves and is active in the summer. Typical symptoms include yellow to tan or brown lesions […]