Common Problems

Common Insects and Mites: Pear slug

Common Insects and Mites: Pear slug categories: Common Insects and Mites Common Problems revision date: 2022-11-22 03:42 Pear slug and damaged leaf from feedingPhoto by: R.D. Akre Biology These bizarre creatures are not really slugs. They are the larval form of a sawfly, a primitive group of wasps. They typically skeletonize the leaves of such […]

Common Insects and Mites: Root weevils

Common Insects and Mites: Root weevils categories: Common Insects and Mites Common Problems revision date: 2022-11-22 03:38 Black vine weevil adult and leaf damagePhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology Several species of root weevils can be serious pests of landscape plants including azalea, rhododendron, rose, and strawberry. The black vine weevil is perhaps the most common. […]

Common Insects and Mites: Sapsucker damage

Common Insects and Mites: Sapsucker damage categories: Common Insects and Mites Common Problems revision date: 2022-11-22 03:31 Sapsucker damage on birchPhoto by: C.R. Foss Biology Rows of horizontally oriented holes in trunks and branches of various types of trees are typical feeding sites for sapsuckers (woodpeckers). Mild to moderate damage usually has little long-term impact […]

Common Insects and Mites: Shothole borer

Common Insects and Mites: Shothole borer categories: Common Insects and Mites Common Problems revision date: 2022-11-22 03:25 Shothole borer infestation holesPhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology Shothole borer is one of several bark beetle species that attack trees in stress due to disease, injury, etc. It is a small, black, stout, but somewhat elongate, beetle. The […]

Common Insects and Mites: Skeletonizers

Common Insects and Mites: Skeletonizers categories: Common Insects and Mites Common Problems revision date: 2022-11-22 03:22 Apple-and-thorn skeletonizer caterpillar feeding on leafPhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology Of the many species of skeletonizers, most are caterpillar types. Skeletonizers devour leaf tissue, leaving only leaf veins or “skeletons” behind when they feed. These pests frequently create webbing […]

Common Insects and Mites: Slugs

Common Insects and Mites: Slugs categories: Common Insects and Mites Common Problems revision date: 2022-11-22 03:14 Brown slugPhoto by: C.R. Foss Biology Slugs damage a number of ornamental and garden plants. Older leaves may be raggedly chewed, while young tender plants may be partially or completely consumed. Slug damage, unless you catch slugs in the […]

Common Insects and Mites: Sowbugs, pillbugs, and millipedes

Common Insects and Mites: Sowbugs, pillbugs, and millipedes categories: Common Insects and Mites Common Problems revision date: 2022-11-22 03:12 SowbugPhoto by: A.L. Antonelli Biology Sowbugs (Porcellio spp.) and pillbugs (Armadillidium spp.) are not insects. They are crustaceans and thus are more closely related to crabs and shrimp. Sowbugs are grey and prefer very damp areas. […]

Common Insects and Mites: Spider mites

Common Insects and Mites: Spider mites categories: Common Insects and Mites Common Problems revision date: 2022-11-22 03:09 Spider mites under microscopePhoto by: L.K. Tanigoshi Biology Several species of spider mites may become significant pests on ornamental plants. Spider mites are very small, eight-legged arthropods that damage foliage with their piercing mouth parts. They are usually […]

Common Insects and Mites: Spotted wing Drosophila (SWD)

Common Insects and Mites: Spotted wing Drosophila (SWD) categories: Common Insects and Mites Common Problems revision date: 2022-11-22 03:06 Spotted wing drosophila larva and fruit damagePhoto by: W. Hoashi-Erhardt Biology Spotted wing Drosophila (SWD) resembles other Drosophila species (fruit flies or vinegar flies) in appearance, but unlike other members of the family which attack only […]

Common Insects and Mites: Tent caterpillars

Common Insects and Mites: Tent caterpillars categories: Common Insects and Mites Common Problems revision date: 2022-11-22 02:56 Tent caterpillars on tent at branch tipPhoto by: S.J. Collman Biology The most common tent caterpillar in home landscapes is the western tent caterpillar. It typically has a dark body with white and orange or yellow markings and […]