Pea: Pea leaf weevils

categories: Pea Pea Insects Vegetables

revision date: 2024-06-05 10:13

Pea leaf weevil damage.
Pea leaf weevil damage
Photo by: K. Grey


The pea leaf weevil is a small brownish-gray beetle about 1⁄5″ long. Adults are marked with lighter longitudinal lines on the back. They feed on the leaves, cutting out semicircular pieces from leaf margins. Damaged leaves appear ragged. Severe infestations may result in complete defoliation, particularly of young plants. The curved white larvae have dark heads and are found in the soil. Pea leaf weevils also feed on vetch, clover, and alfalfa.

Management Options

Use Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for successful plant problem management.

Non-chemical Management

Select non-chemical management options as your first choice!

  • Do not plant peas near clover, vetch, or alfalfa patches.
  • Hand-pick any adults found on young plants. Older plants are seldom seriously damaged.
  • Provide proper culture to maintain vigorously growing plants. Healthy plants can usually outgrow damage.

Chemical Management

IMPORTANT: Visit Home and Garden Fact Sheets for more information on using pesticides.

  • Do not apply within 3 days of harvest.

Approved Pesticides

Listed below are examples of pesticides that are legal in Washington. Always read and follow all label directions.