Herbicide Damage: Dicamba

categories: Common Problems Herbicide Damage

revision date: 2022-11-03 09:37

Twisting and distortion of deodar cedar needles from dicamba.
Twisting and distortion of deodar cedar needles from dicamba
Photo by: R. Maleike


Dicamba is a hormone-type herbicide that mimics natural growth regulators produced in plants. It is used for control of broadleaf weeds and is readily absorbed by roots and foliage and translocated throughout the plant via both xylem and phloem. Most dicamba damage comes from applications in turf areas made over the root zone of desirable plants. Type and severity of damage is extremely variable and is affected by plant species, stage of growth, amount applied, and watering after application. Symptoms typically appear first on newly developing tissues. Damage on broadleaf plants usually causes upward cupping of leaves. In certain situations, dicamba can kill leaves. On London plane tree, it can damage or kill vertical sections of bark. Dicamba damage to conifers may appear as a slight twisting or distortion of the needles or as a more pronounced distortion. It also can show up as needle death, usually from the base of the needle outwards toward the tip, or as club-shaped swellings on new growth. Dicamba can persist in the soil for most of the growing season or from one growing season to the next.

Management Options

Use Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for successful plant problem management.

Non-chemical Management

Select non-chemical management options as your first choice!

  • Avoid applications where root uptake or drift can occur on neighboring desirable plants.

Chemical Management

IMPORTANT: Visit Home and Garden Fact Sheets for more information on using pesticides.

Carefully read all label instructions prior to using dicamba formulas.

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