Weeds: Bentgrass, creeping – Agrostis stolonifera

categories: A-B Weeds

revision date: 2024-06-21 04:28

Creeping bentgrass.
Creeping bentgrass
Photo by: B.M. Johnson
  • Family: Poaceae (Graminae)
  • Cycle: Perennial
  • Plant type: Grass


Creeping bentgrass is a low-growing, perennial grass. Unmowed plants can reach 8 to 20 inches in height. The leafy stolons lie along the ground, rooting in the soil. In lawns, these flat patches can be unsightly. Leaf blades are narrow and flat, with pointed tips. The finely branched panicle (seed head) is typically closed, but opens when the plant is blooming. SPECIAL INFORMATION: Bentgrasses in lawns can produce large amounts of thatch, particularly if they are overfertilized and not mowed short. Thatch buildup can interfere with water availability to grass roots and can contribute to other lawn problems.


Bentgrasses are often problem weeds in lawns both east and west of the Cascades. Also, lawns consisting of mostly bentgrass are common west of the Cascades.

Management Options

Use Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for successful plant problem management.

Non-chemical Management

Select non-chemical management options as your first choice!

  • Digging and carefully removing the roots will reduce the number of plants but will not get rid of it.

Chemical Management

IMPORTANT: Visit Home and Garden Fact Sheets for more information on using pesticides.

  • Apply according to label directions.
  • Spot treatments with certain post-emergent herbicides will control weedy grasses, but will also kill the turf.
  • Glyphosate products should be applied as spot treatments only!
  • NOTE: Some ingredients listed here are only available in combination.
  • Read the label carefully on combination products to make sure the product is suitable for your specific situation.

Landscape areas

  • dichlobenil
  • fluazifop
  • glyphosate

Turf areas

  • No products approved for use in turf.

Bare ground areas

  • dichlobenil
  • glyphosate

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